On 9 October 2020
we travelled around the world
for 24 hours with mental health campaigners, changemakers and experts to #MoveForMentalHealth.
Watch the summery now
The March for Mental Health
Press statements
Speak Your Mind සහ CAN MH Lanka ඇතුලු සංවිධාන ගණනාවක් එක්ව සංවිධානය කරන ලද ලෝක මානසික සෞඛ්ය දින ගෝලීය පා ගමන සිංහල මාධ්ය වෙබ් අඩවි වල මෙසේ පළ කර තිබුණා.

Let's watch
the sri lanka
Veteran actress Mrs Sangeetha Weerarathne, health economist professor Amala de Silva, and lived experience advocate Mrs Dilani Ranasinge contributed in Sri Lanka hour.
CAN MH Lanka © 2023 All rights reserved.